
Paul Harris Fellow: When $1000 is contributed to The Rotary Foundation, a request can be made for an individual to be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow - that person can be a Rotarian or a member of the community who is not a Rotarian. When a person is recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow, they are presented with a certificate, signed by the Rotary International President and the Chairman of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation, along with a lapel pin. The contribution to The Rotary Foundation can be made in one sum or by cumulative giving over a year or a number of years. Individuals can make a personal contribution or the contribution can be from a club, a company or business.
Multiple Paul Harris Fellows (shown with number in parentheses after their name): A Paul Harris Fellow will receive a new pin for each additional $1000 personally (or under whose name is) contributed beyond his/her original PHF.
Benefactor: A Benefactor is anyone who informs the Rotary Foundation in writing that he/she has made provisions in their will, or other estate plans, naming the Foundation’s Endowment Fund as a beneficiary; or anyone who makes an outright gift of $1000 or more to the Foundation’s Endowment Fund.
Active West Bay Rotary Member is denoted by an asterisk by name (*) -- Italicized text notes a West Bay Rotarian that is deceased.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. As the charitable arm of Rotary, it taps into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.
The following list of recipients is current as of July 1, 2021. West Bay Rotary will work to keep this list current, and updates its Club Banners on a twice-a-year basis (end of December and end of June) each Rotary year.
George H. Abendroth (4)
Janice L. Abendroth (1)
Brenda J. Adams
Tom Albertson
Shelly Butler
Lois Stackpole Alley
Tia Anderson
Todd Anderson
Cheryl Ayer
Ken Bailey
Owen W. Bailey
Howard F. Barrett, Jr.
Bruce Bergen
Hanna Berke
Peter Berke (2)*
Christopher H. Blake
Linda M. Bregy
Lawrence M. Bregy (3)*
Terry A. Burgess
Shelley Butler
Joanne Campbell (1)
Carl Chadwick
Tom Chester
Frederick W. Clemens
John M. Clinton
Ernest E. Cochran
Ellis B. Cohn
Mark A. Coursey
Noel M. Cox (4)
Richard (Sandy) Cox (3)*
Troy Curtis
Steven Dailey (3)*
Sheila Davenport (1)*
Arlene Day
Joshua (Skip) Day (2)
Charles M. Decker
Jeanne Denny
Guido B. Digirolamo
Susan Dorr (1)*
Lisa Dresser*
Tim Dresser (1)*
Penny Dunning*
Barbara Dyer
Eric Evans
Laura R. Evans (1)*
Deborah Fink (1)
Ray Fink (1)
George Z. Forristall (1)
Jay Foster (1)*
Charles Frair
Ken Gardiner (1)*
Thomas Gauteson
Hans Gautschi
Anne W. Gibbons
Douglas M. Green
Donald A. Gross
Peter T. Gross
Meghan Cox Gurdon
Ron M. Hall (1)*
Karen Hansen (1)
Willam Hartman (2)
Mark Haskell
Barbara Collins Heard (1)*
Deborah H. Hitchings (2)*
Sharon Hobson
Michael H. Holmes
Dolores Hyssong (1)*
Martha Johnston-Nash (1)*
Rendle A. Jones
Heidi Bentley Karod (1)*
Pamela C. Kenniston
Barry King (1)*
Jane Lafleur (1)*
Cate Lamb
Jennifer Lanphear
Ralph Chase Lasbury (3)
Heinz Lehmann*
Joan R. LeMole*
Maria Libby
Kristen Lindquist (1)*
Henry Lunn
Rodney C. Lynch (1)*
Alexander J. MacKimm
Bruce Malone (2)*
Ira Mandel (1)
Martha Martens (1)
Robert C. Martin
Mark Masterson (2)*
Matthew McConnel (1)*
Eugene D. McKeever
Alison McKellar
Richard McLaughlin
Patrisha McLean
Elizabeth McLellan
H.E. (Mik) Mikkelsen (2)*
Connie J. Miller
Kim A. Milton (1)*
Michael Moore (1)*
Hannah R. Morvan
J. Rosson Overcash
Grevis Payson
Linda Payson
Thomas Peaco
Etienne F. Perret (8)*
Kathani Perret (2)
J. Michael Pierce (1)*
Jim Potter (2)*
Stephanie Primm
Karen Reed
Carrol Rickert Jr. (1)
Tom Rodman*
Martha L. Rogers
Paul K. Rogers III (1)*
Benjamin B. Rosenberg
Robert Rosenberg (5)
Robert J Rubin*
Sarah Ruef-Lindquist (1)*
Mary Sargent*
Leamon R. Scott
Suzanne W. Scott
David Smith
Peter A. Smith
Roberta Smith (2)
Lisa Kay Sojka*
Kathryn J. Southworth
John Stokinger (2)*
Ralph Stuart
Henry W. Taft
Judith Tarbox
Thomas N. Tarbox (3)
Richard S. Tasker (1)*
Sheila Tasker
George C. Thompson
Walter Ulshoefer
Gary J. Walker (8)*
Roberta R. Walker (8)*
Charles Waltz
Richard Ward
Alexandra Williamson
Robert J. Williams
Beverly Worthington
Jack P. Young
Ronald M. Hall
Etienne F. Perret
Suzanne W. Scott
John Stokinger
Richard S. Tasker
Gary J. Walker
Roberta R. Walker