Posted by Trina Kuykendall on Sep 08, 2019
05 September 2019
Speaker of the Day: Steve Marson, Pyrotechnics
05 September, 2019
Buckets on the Table: Meals of Hope
Speaker of the Day: Steve Marson, Pyrotechnics
Fireworks Manufacturing, an insider’s perspective over the last 30 years. Steve started when he was 16 years old. His business, Central Maine Pyrotechnics is focused on New England with 300 shows a year! Steve’s company started importing from China, a very heavily regulated industry. 6 elements are added to the fireworks that create the fire in the sky. There is quite a process to pack the shells and are made by hand! The factories are built into the mountainsides in China, 8 factories in operation today.  Steve uses around 200,000 shells per year. Steve uses pattern shells, 3D shells and hopes to introduce lasers into the shows. Disney leads the industry in the US for volume, 35,000 shells per day.
Committee Reports
Use Amazon Smile for your shopping on Amazon! $46 this quarter…going into the endowment account for West Bay
Community – Camden Chamber of Commerce Planter Bench Repairs, 8-11am, Saturday Sept 14. Prep work on Friday Sept 13
West Bay Rotary at Rockland Rotary Golf Tournament, Friday Sept 13
Book Club, 430-6pm Sept 10th at Bob Rubin’s Home
Toothbrush Project – over 1000 toothbrushes! Floss and toothpaste is being donated as well!
Chowder Challenge – $3000 earned!
Meals for Hope is moving forward, interact is helping out! Ask you friends to join us!
December 12 Christmas Party
Paws golf tournament, $7000 for Paws!
Next Week’s Speaker: Miranda Phelps, Haiti School of Social Work